Next Recycling Date: September 7th,2024 Where: Hopewell Township Building 415 Three Square Hollow Road Newburg, PA 17240 When: First Saturday of each month 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon
D O N A T E ? Although we are a volunteer organization, we do have SOME expenses. We are charged by the companies who recycle tech media and batteries (batteries are $1.00/pound) to ship the material to them, we haul the Styrofoam to a facility in Lancaster, and we like to keep our volunteers hydrated with cold drinks. Any amount is greatly appreciated and will be put to good use!
WANNA' HELP?We're always looking for folks to help out on our monthly recycling Saturdays. We unload 200 - 300 vehicles in 4 hours, with safety and efficiency in mind. The pay is, well, non-existent, but the satisfaction of knowing that you have made a worthy contribution is priceless. Flexible hours, friendly co-workers, and the overall labor effort is always kept EZ-as-we-can-make-it. Clubs, Organizations, and/or Civic Groups welcome. For more information, please contact us through this website or through Hopewell Township. THANKS!